Plainview High School Class of 1966 Reunion - July 6, 2001

Reacquainting Party (about 75 of 372 graduates)

And a great time to remember 35 years ago.  From our yearbook "To the Cast: The lights dim, a hush falls over the audience, the curtain rises, and we sit back to gaze upon our fast  and furious, hurried and frenzied, yet wonderful and fulfilling year (week-end) of which we have all been a that will long be cherished." 




Here's pictures from the Reception on Friday July 6:



Above:  We were all welcomed with lei's;   Charlene checks the yearbook while 

Sandra and Cherie discuss the past 5 years;  Mack Watson listens to the details!





Sue and Charlene must be discussing grandchildren; what, grandkids already?





You have only one chance to get all of our names correct. 






Casey, Alice and Carolyn pause for the cause (picture taking).



Back sides are becoming, especially when Olin, Larry, and Jack are sashaying in their tropical attire.



Leroy, you can't hide behind the flowers!  Kenon Chaney, Pat Adams, Charlene George 

and Jack Ooley are ready to exit to the pool.  Got swimsuits?






And their conversation went something like this:  My granddaughter started talking before she was one, and oh you should see my grandson; he is absolutely the most handsome child.  We took them to Six Flags last week, and I tell you it was so hot.  I had to leave at 3:00.  They wore me out.  Well, my grandchildren are so smart - just like their grandmother.  



Alice Sims and Clifton Caldwells' conversation might be boring since Carolyn Scott looks sleepy.  Check out Clifton tomorrow evening.